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Formation, restructuring, expansion, succession?

We help you achieve your business goals.

  1. „How do I, as a foreigner, set up a business in Germany?“
  2. „Do you know which requirements are applicable and which forms are necessary when setting up a business?“
  3. Company formation offers many opportunities but also involves a lot of risks.
  4. Our goal is your successful launch and ensuring stability after this.
  5. „What do I need to ensure the success of my business idea?“

We support you with our Startup Package:

Apart from financial and tax advice, this includes basic support instruments: translations, applying for tax ID numbers or advice on social security obligations. Since 1993 OPTITAX has employed Chinese members of staff who speak Mandarin and are also experts in their respective fields. In addition, we are members of a large network and can refer you to experts in state subsidies and finances, as well as lawyers.